One Way for Writers to Push Themselves Creatively: Inktober

I always tell people to push themselves creatively.  That said, I’m not always really good about taking that advice.  I get “busy” with the paid work and forget to just have fun and play.  But because I don’t illustrate, Inktober is a great way for me to play creatively.

The rules for Inktober are simple.  Draw every day.  Draw in ink.  Post what you’ve drawn on social media with #Inktober. Jake Parker already has the prompt list for 2020 out.  It has been out for weeks. He does this because this is primarilly a challenge for illustrators and it shows.  The artwork you see throughout this month is astonishing and many of these artists have their pieces well under way.

Me?  I have some brush pens and I’m going to be doing this in the back of my bullet journal.  I’m more comfortable lettering than drawing, and, at best, my drawings are sketches that just happen to be in ink.

If you are a writer, I’d like to encourage you to take part.  Do a simple sketch.  Create word art.  Use what you’ve created as the inspiration for a story.

I have to admit that I didn’t get too far in October 2019 but in 2018?  I had a lot of fun and it was really inspirational.  I loved seeing all of the amazing art work that the professionals do.  And it was a lot of fun playing along even if I’m in the shallow end of that particular pool.

Check out the video below for a bit of an explanation.  Skim the list above.  I may have to break out my brush pens early.





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