When Should You Develop the Theme?

Looking for a theme.
Photo by Tobias Aeppli on Pexels.com

As I mentioned yesterday (see that post by clicking here), I am taking Judy Blume’s MasterClass on writing for children. In one of the sessions today, she mentioned that she just doesn’t worry about theme. She simply focuses on writing a good story.

This might work for Judy Blume but I can just see myself telling an agent. “Judy Blume doesn’t create a theme. I don’t need to worry about theme either.” I suspect that this would be one of those times that what works for Judy Blume, Jane Yolen, or Neal Gaiman, does not work for little ol’ me. I just don’t have the clout to pull it off.

That said, theme is never the first thing I worry about. Sometimes I come up with the plot first. Or I have a character in mind and then I have to find a plot. Once I have those things down, then I’ll worry about theme.

Because I do think that theme is important. One thing that theme can do is set the main character and the protagonist against each other. It isn’t the only thing because plot also plays a role but theme can make the conflict even stronger if they are on opposite sides.

Let’s say that the main character in our story is Mark. He needs to win an academic competition so that he can win the scholarship that goes with it. It is the only way he can go to college. Our antagonist is Anthony (aren’t I clever with these names?). He too wants to win the competition and the scholarship.

There’s our plot. How can we pull in a theme.

Let’s say that this a story about class and caste in society. Mark’s family is not well off. He will be the first person to go to college and he sees it as a way to improve things for his whole family. Anthony’s family is quite well off. He thinks that Mark should learn his place in society and it is not at university.

See how that strengthens everything?

At this point, I’m still playing around with the plot for my new idea. But I suspect that coming up with a theme will help me tie it all together.


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