When and Where Should You Write?

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Recently I heard a group of writers debating when is the best time to write? Where is the best place to write? The reality is that there is no firm answer for this question. You are going to have to find what works for you. But here are some suggestions.

Different Times of Day

Try writing at different times of day and note which one works best for you. If you’ve heard about Julia Cameron and her book The Artist’s Way, you have almost certainly heard of morning pages. These are pages that you write . . . can you guess? . . .first thing in the morning. It is supposed to be a way to jump start your morning.

Morning pages are not natural for me. I am, when given the option, an afternoon writer. But during the summer swim season, I sometimes had to write in the morning. That’s when my young swimmer had practice and we did various things together in the afternoon.

If you have very small children, you may find yourself writing when they nap or when they go to bed. You won’t know what is going to work until you try different things.

Different Locations

I am really not interested in writing any place but at my desk. I sit down at my computer and I write.

The reality is that I am very easy to distract. Coffee shops? Nope. There are too many sounds, too much motion, and too many delicious smells. The library? Sounds and motions minus the delicious smells unless I can find someplace in a quiet corner. I’ve done it, but it is never my preference. Still, it may be what works for you!

Different Tools

My son has one friend who only writes on a typewriter. He needs to hear the words.

I have a friend who drafts everything by hand. That’s how she gets the words to flow.

I can write by hand and that’s what I do when I get stuck. Otherwise I key my first draft right into my computer. It just seems the most efficient.

Time, place and tools. It is almost certain that what works best will change over time. This means that you’ll have to experiment. When one thing ceases to work well, try a variety of things out. You may be surprised what works this time around!


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