Goals My First Full Week of the School Year

Last Thursday my son started school.  Ah — the house is quiet and the days are . . . not really very quiet.  Who knew that the carbon monoxide detector would keep going off once I unplugged it?  Always, always, always check for a battery back up.

And how did I know there wasn’t a problem?  It wasn’t the steady scream of an alarm.  It was a beep beep beep.  And there was nothing that could create carbon monoxide.

But it makes for a wonky day when you hear a beep every 90 seconds or so.  And then it stops.  And then in starts.  Ooops.  There it is again.

Fingers crossed that maybe today will be a bit more . . .  words fail me.  Regular? Quiet?  A bit more compatible with writing?  Yes, that’s it.  Although, in spite of the stupid detector, I did manage about 6300 words last week.

My goals for the week are:

  1. 5 posts for One Writer’s Journey.  Done.
  2. Post a review on the Bookshelf.  Done.
  3. 1 post for PrayPower.   Done.
  4. Write my post for the Church blog.  In progress.
  5. Brainstorm some new writing ideas.  Done.
  6. Finish outlining the middle grade.
  7. Write a new first chapter for the middle grade.
  8. Work on a new pitch for Writer’s Digest.  In progress.
  9. Solicit more interviews for my next CW piece.  In progress.
  10. Wrap up the non-sample chapter portions of the book proposal.
I hope everyone else is enjoying August and all it brings.  And, hopefully, it will not bring alarms of any kind!