Creative Style

Special thanks to How About Orange for the post that led me to the Psychologies magazine quiz, “What is your creative style?”  Unlike your average magazine quiz, I really wasn’t sure where they were going with the answers.  Subtext:  I couldn’t tell how they were trying to pigeon hole me.

According to the quiz, I “communicate through creativity.”    The basic statement is 100% accurate although the detailed discussion was much less so, but isn’t that always the danger of getting terribly specific?

Other possible outcomes were:

Creativity is a magical world.

Creativity is a release.

Creativity is a form of expression.

Creativity enriches you.

Creativity gives me insight.

Why not give it a try and see what you get?


2 thoughts on “Creative Style

  1. Here’s what it said about me… Creativity is first and foremost a form of expression: it creates a special link between the internal and external worlds. It allows you to get a grasp of your powerful emotions, by moulding them into a physical form. In fact, the most important thing for you is to be able to release your emotions. You need to be able to touch them or look at them in concrete form, and to do that you have to find a way to make them come alive. This is how your desires and anxieties take shape. Keeping things bottled up creates a tension that can only be resolved once you have expressed how you feel. This means you have to be strong enough not to let yourself get swept away by chaotic impulses; if you turn your creative urges on everyday life — making a picnic, singing to the baby, choosing what to wear — you can express yourself while staying rooted in reality. Creativity is principally cathartic. It relieves a deep need, an almost primal, archaic impulse. For you, being creative is about having the power to give form to something you feel, to those deep personal issues that are often raw and disorganised. For these reasons you are usually attracted to art that demands physicality, that allows you to express what’s inside, and that unites spontaneity, strength, freedom, power and movement.

    So, it’s a need not a want…

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